Can't Modify Your Home Mortgage.  Are You Upside Down In Your Mortgage? 


Many homeowners come to me distressed about their current mortgage situation and have many questions and concerns about what to do and the posssible consequences of their decisions.  Pre-Foreclosure Coaching is a great way to ge answers to these isssue and ideas about how to deal with the impending foreclosure.

I will expalin your options, this will give you a good idea as to what course you would like to take.  Then, I will cover the FORECLOSURE TIMELINE and the process to auctioning of a home.  I find this is very important to understand and will help you determine what is in the best interest of your family.  With this information, we can go over STRATEGIES that have worked for others and may be possible solutions for you too.

Tax consequences and future ramifications are always a concern.  Although I do not give legal advice I would be happy to explain the general concept to the four main areas that could affect a homeowner.  Remember, investment properties are treated differently than your personal residence and with some clarificaton you will be able to determine what applies to you.  Please be advised that you should review this information with your tax professional as to your individual circumstances since I have no knowledge of your past investment tax strategies.

Call and make your appointment!

                                                    Pamela Smith